Friday 11 September 2015

Check Your Hard Disk Drive For Errors In Microsoft Windows

Check Your Hard Disk Drive for Errors in Microsoft Windows

Is your computer acting up? Are you getting read/write error messages? Is your data corrupted? Is Windows not booting properly? These may be symptoms of file system errors. Fortunately, Windows includes hard drive utilities. The utility checks your disks, can attempt to fix or recover data from damaged areas and fix file system errors to automatically avoid writing data to damaged areas.


1. Open the "Start" menu and click the "Computer" icon. Right-click C: drive, or any other drive you want to check, and click "Properties."

2. Click the "Tools" tab in the window that appears. Click the "Check Now" button in the Error-checking section. You may be prompted for your password.

3. Click the "Automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" check boxes to check the hard drive completely and have errors fixed for you.

4. Click "Start." The process may take some time with large hard drives and will run faster if you don't have other programs running at the same time.

Tags: file system, file system errors, system errors, Check Your, Check Your Hard, damaged areas