Monday 1 September 2014

Upload Cell Phone Numbers To A Ford Flex

The Flex is a crossover vehicle sold by Ford Motor Company. The Flex comes with Ford's exclusive Sync system, which was co-developed by Microsoft Corporation. The Sync system has plenty of features, including the ability to stream music from your mobile device to the car's radio via Bluetooth. It also has features to make using your phone easier while driving the Flex. One of the things you can do to improve your Flex experience is to upload your phone's contacts to the Ford Flex's Sync system.


1. Grab your cell phone and sit in your Ford Flex's driver-side seat. Crank the engine. You can only upload the telephone numbers with the engine running.

2. Turn your cell phone on and ensure that Bluetooth is turned on. This process varies drastically between phones. However, you should be able to turn on the Bluetooth from either the "Settings" or "Connections" menu.

3. Push the button labeled "Phone" on your Flex's radio control panel. If the screen shows "Bluetooth Off," press "OK" twice to turn it on (it should be on by default).

4. Push any of the "Seek" arrows on the radio control panel to toggle through the Flex's radio menu. Stop when "Phone Settings" shows on the screen. Push "OK."

5. Push any of the "Seek" arrows again until "Modify Phonebook" shows on the screen. Push "OK." Push the arrow again to show "Add Contacts." Push "OK."

6. Push the "Seek" arrows to show "Download Phonebook." Push "OK." The screen should show "Phonebook Loading" for a few seconds. Once the phonebook is uploaded, the screen shows "Downloaded." Push "OK" then press the arrows to select "Exit."

Tags: Ford Flex, Push Push, Push Seek, Push Seek arrows, Seek arrows, Sync system