Thursday 4 September 2014

Remove A Motorola Razor Phone Cover

A new cell phone cover is much cheaper than a new cell phone.

Getting a new cell phone isn't always in the budget for many people. A GREAT alternative is to change your cell phone cover or skin and give it a new personalized look. If you're wanting to change your Razr phone cover, you'll need to know disassemble the original phone housing.


1. Hold the red "Call End" button to turn you phone off.

2. Push downward on the back cover until it comes off, then remove the battery and slide the SIM card upward to remove it.

3. Unscrew the two exposed screws holding the back housing onto the motherboard.

4. Slide a thin piece of plastic such as a drivers license or an old credit or debit card into the seam on the side of the phone's body, and trace the phone body until it pops off.

5. Pull the connecting wire off of the motherboard housing using needle nose pliers or tweezers. Gently lift the plastic tab just underneath the antenna and speaker with a small screwdriver and push the antenna out of its position with the screwdriver while holding the tab up slightly. Remove the speaker by pulling gently with tweezers until it comes loose from its holder.

6. Flip the phone open and use tweezers remove the rubber screw caps from the open face, located at the phone's four corners. Unscrew the exposed screws with T-5 size screwdriver.

7. Close the phone and trace the thin piece of plastic again around the top frame of the phone to pop the front cover off of the flip face. Remove the buttons from the side of the phone as you lift the cover off of the phone body.

Tags: cell phone, phone body, phone cover, cell phone cover, change your, exposed screws, piece plastic