Monday 19 October 2015

Unlock A Locked Verizon

Verizon phones have a default security lock code.

Every Verizon phone comes with a security lock to keep the phone from being used by an unauthorized party. This lock is often only used to access privacy and security features, but you can set the phone to require the unlock code for just making a call. If you need to unlock your Verizon phone, there are two codes you can try before having to take it to a dealer.


1. Prompt the phone for the security code by trying to make a call or going into "Security" under "Tools" and then"Settings."

2. Key in the last four digits of the phone number activated on that phone, followed by the "OK" button. Even if you just got the phone in your name and number, this should work as the unlock code. If this doesn't unlock it, proceed to Step 3 for one last option.

3. Enter "1234" and press the "OK" button. This is the factory default security code and is sometimes set in a new phone, even if it is registered to a phone number. If you don't know the phone number and the default code doesn't work, you will probably have to take it into a Verizon store, verify the phone is yours and have them reset the security features.

Tags: phone number, default security, security code, security features, security lock, unlock code