Friday 5 June 2015

Watch Free Tv On A Nokia N70

Watch Free TV on a Nokia N70

Using a cellphone, you can stream live TV channels on cell phones using the same technology as computers. Using your data plan and an appropriate TV viewing software, you can watch a number of live television channels on your Nokia N73.


1. Go to TV streaming website, like Mobi TV or ToGo TV.

2. Click the "Download Application" button or send an SMS to the provided number from your Nokia N70 to receive the download link directly.

3. Connect your Nokia N70 to your computer via the USB Cable.

4. Click on the downloaded application. Your Nokia PC Suite will launch and start the installation process on your Nokia N70.

5. Follow the on screen instructions, and wait for the installation to complete.

6. Click the "Menu" button on your Nokia N70 and go to the folder named "My Own," which stores all your installed applications.

7. Run the software, and select the access point you wish to use. You will have to enter username, email address and password to create your free account.

8. Select your favorite channel and the stream buffering will begin.

Tags: your Nokia, Free Nokia, Watch Free, Watch Free Nokia, your Nokia