Monday 25 May 2015

Do A Soft Reset On A Motorola Mb501 Quench

The Motorola MB501, also known as the Motorola Quench and the CLIQ XT, was a smartphone powered by Android version 1.5. As with other phones, there are two reset procedures for the MB501. You can perform a hard reset, which wipes the phone's data and restores the original settings, or you can perform a soft reset, which is also called a quick reset. A quick reset is ideal if the MB501 is unresponsive.


1. Examine the right edge of the Motorola MB501. Here you will see the phone's Power button.

2. Push and hold the power button until the screen goes black. Wait for the device to power off completely.

3. Push and hold the power button to turn the MB501 back on. Release the power button when the screen lights up.

4. Slide the rear cover downward if you are unable to reset the phone. Pull the battery out for about two seconds, and then re-insert it. Replace the cover. Push and hold the power button to turn the MB501 back on.

Tags: hold power, hold power button, power button, Push hold, Push hold power, button turn, button turn MB501